Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The 24 Hour Exercise & The Divine Contract

I discovered something phenomenal when it came to raising vibrations intensely and increasing euphoric happiness and all around focus and meditation healing anxiety and depression. COUNT your every breath in & out of nose in your head silently at least to 50 breaths (inhale + exhale =1) & visualize what you love to help anxiety. Focus on the middle of your forehead  with eyes open or closed while doing this. THE MAJOR TRICK TO MASTER IS TO DIRECT YOUR ENERGY AND FOCAL POINT OUTWARD AS YOU INHALE AND ALSO OUTWARD AS YOU EXHALE. You will feel focused and vibrating intensely feeling great. If you can't get to 50 breaths do them in 3's until you feel good. Access your natural euphoric high by counting your breaths in your head as if you were doing a steady workout (INHALE +EXHALE= 1). Count 10 then pause then 10 again and so on. Then see in your head everything ultimately working out in your life whatever your situation may be and repeat the process 24/7. Try to keep count normally with uninterruption or pause between the inhale and the exhale through nose making them as one and preferably with the help of your diaphragm and belly instead of inhaling and exhaling with your upper chest. THIS CAN  EVEN BE DONE DOING ACTIVITIES EYES OPEN INSTEAD OF JUST BEING STILL EYES CLOSED BUT BOTH WAYS ARE ESSENTIAL AND CORRESPOND WITH EACH OTHER. I like to visualize the word BILLIONAIRE while seeing the number of successful breaths i've taken treating it like an all day workout and another example is doing that watching and listening to THIS ESPECIALLY because of the technique you will learn after the ninth minute on the video. Also research diaphragmatic breathing HERE.

Positive affirmations as well as taking action are good for daily devotion as well but certain ones speak to people the most..
Here are some that I use daily repeatedly.



And for ones who suffer from anxiety and depression and love music, I also published a full 100 page poetic book through amazon called "No Way You Have Anxiety, No Way You Have Depression." It's a very fascinating book that kids can even read because the word size is pretty big. You can find it HERE.

Clothing store HERE

Be a Vegan And Live Life To The Fullest.

Be a vegan and live life to the fullest.
Here is a great source of education on being a vegan.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Ariel The Smart Ecuadorian Child

It's good to take opportunities to help others in life changing ways.
Giving them that viewpoint in life that what they are doing is working in accordance to universal laws.

About five months ago, some strange mail came in and it was from children.org . It was a big green folder with a picture of a 7 year old Ecuadorian boy named Ariel. And I've never done anything or subscribed to anything related to sponsoring children so it was a shock.

And for only 32 dollars a month to sponsor him, we have great communication and he's a great spanish cursive writer.
Luckily, children.org translates it for me and notifies me when he writes me so I can read and write him back.

I always let him know about my meditation vegan life and I always tell him to practice his breathing and thoughts in a constructive manner.

I've even started a donation campaign for him here so I can start giving him extra money here and there .Help Ariel And Others

You can also see his letters I shared and updates too.